Showing posts with label Web Hosting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Web Hosting. Show all posts

Friday, January 12, 2024




Restore to Blogger's data

As long as you import data in XML format into Blogger or WordPress, you can restored to posts and categories/tags.





Back up Blogger data

Blogger backs up data in XML format. The backed up data can be freely restored to Blogger's blog or WordPress' blog, which is very convenient.

If there is a subdomain, these data can be backed up and then restored to the domain version of Blogger or WordPress. In 2024, WordPress websites can be launched in China, but Blogger will be blocked.

Monday, January 23, 2023

Fix issues with custom domain setup

If you have problems, try these steps:

When you set up your domain, you may not have to enter the 2 CNAMEs.

Make sure the "Name, Label, or Host" CNAME is correct.

If your custom domain doesn’t work, wait before you try the steps again. If you have problems, contact your domain provider.




設定網域時,你不一定需要輸入 2 個 CNAME。

請確認「名稱、標籤或主機」這個 CNAME 正確無誤。


【《從今以後》ALL SHALL BE WELL👩 ❤️ 👩】香港版 正式預告 5月1日 獻映