Saturday, December 16, 2023

單一視頻檔案使用Fluid Player

CWD AU的WordPress可以使用Fluid Player播放以下格式:

In-Video Banner (VAST)

In-Stream Video (VAST)

Fluid Player和YouTube的共同點是採用VAST格式。


Single video file using Fluid Player

CWD AU’s WordPress can play the following formats using Fluid Player:

In-Video Banner (VAST)

In-Stream Video (VAST)

What Fluid Player and YouTube have in common is the VAST format.


在Google可以找到CWD AU的WordPress的免費播放器插件,如有需要可以上載到OneDrive。

1. YouTube播放器,沒有使用YouTube API。

2. 插件的功能如香港高清電視台的功能,還提供完整源碼,使用WordPress的PHP。



Hong Kong HDTV emulator

CWD AU's free player plugin for WordPress can be found on Google and can be uploaded to OneDrive if necessary.

1. YouTube player, does not use YouTube API.

2. The functions of the plug-in are such as those of Hong Kong HD TV. It also provides complete source code and uses WordPress PHP.

In Hong Kong, asking Google seems to tell you everything.


如使用US P Card申請,代表由美國出發,在2023年向西班牙、愛爾蘭、葡萄牙和阿根廷問好。

通訊語言使用英文,如有需要可使用當地語言,採用Google Translate。US的官方語言是英文。



How to apply to become a publisher of ExoClick? 

If you apply using the US P Card, representatives will depart from the United States and say hello to Spain, Ireland, Portugal, and Argentina in 2023. 

The communication language is English. If necessary, the local language can be used and Google Translate is used. The official language of the US is English. 

On the ExoClick website you can apply to become a publisher or click directly on the ad below.




ExoClick language family

ExoClick uses Simplified Chinese, English and multiple languages.



Where is ExoClick?

Barcelona, Spain

Valencia, Spain

Tarragona, Spain

Dublin, Ireland

Porto, Portugal

Buenos Aires, Argentina








2023年互聯網廣告 USD 200有錢收

在2023年,互聯網廣告的收益要達到USD 200才可以使用US P Card收取款項,而付款的日期最快是每星期,如達到最低付款。


Internet advertising in 2023 USD 200 is profitable.

In 2023, Internet advertising revenue must reach USD 200 before you can use US P Card to collect payments, and the payment date will be every week at the earliest, if the minimum payment is reached.

exoClick Publisher Payments的設定



exoClick Publisher Payments settings

【《從今以後》ALL SHALL BE WELL👩 ❤️ 👩】香港版 正式預告 5月1日 獻映