Friday, July 7, 2023



第十七屆鮮浪潮開幕電影加場(17th Fresh Wave)
07-07-2023 上映, 94 分鐘, 粵語(中文、英文字幕)


蕉、詩、腐乳、餅不是一般菜色, 而是來自屯門破碎家庭之少女。逃學、玩 line、溝仔/女、十三歲墮胎、吸毒、啪丸……《無人駕駛》從選角(幾乎全是素人)、場景(全部實景)到拍攝手法(98%手提,同步錄音),都盡量貼近現實,出來的效果是由頭到尾游離於紀錄片與劇情片之間,既驚人地真實、更詭異地風格化(stylised)影片在當年推出,票房一敗塗地。(總收入約130萬),評論也一致尋常,鮮見熱烈,落畫後 23 年來從未被提及,今日再睹,震撼依然,可說是過去半世紀港產片的最大遺珠。本屆「鮮浪潮」用它來做揭幕,除了還影片一個公道外,還期望它可以為新一代的年輕短片作者帶來澎湃鮮活的衝擊與啟示。

(按:影片將以 35mm 版本放映,藍光碟版本並於今年內由美國 Kani Releasing 公司重新發行。)

導演: 劉國昌


Spacked Out   

17th Fresh Wave Opening Film Additional Screening(17th Fresh Wave)
Opening on 07-07-2023, 94 minutes, Cantonese(Chinese, English Subtitles)


Cookie, Sissy, Banana, and Bean-curd come from dysfunctional families in Tuen Mun. The rebellious young girls defy social norms and would have casual sex and abort at the age of 13, attempt self-harm or suicide, take drugs rather than go to school. Totally edgy, entirely non-judgmental, provocative and uncompromising, Spacked Out, starring a full cast of amateur youths, is shocking, intimate and compassionate at the same time. Criminally overlooked and underrated at the time of its release, and grossing only a meagre 1.3 million Hong Kong Dollars, Spacked Out is not only the best of LAU’s remarkable career, but undoubtedly a masterpiece of contemporary Hong Kong cinema. The Fresh Wave International Short Film Festival is showing it as the Opening Film of its 17th edition for its daring spirit and innovative filmmaking, hopefully to bring inspiration to the new generation of young filmmakers.

Note: The film will be shown in 35mm film format and will soon be released on Blu-ray in a remastered version by the US-based Kani Releasing.
Director: Lawrence Lau

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