Saturday, December 30, 2023


使用文字的超連結或插入Embed Video的代碼。

文字的超連結使用縮短網址的點擊廣告服務。如不是CitySky TV的影片,不用使用文字的超連結,直接插入Embed Video的代碼。

Embed Video支援訂閱和複製文字的超連結,按標題可以直接到CitySky TV。


Share YouTube videos

Use a text hyperlink or insert Embed Video's code.

Text hyperlinks use click-through advertising services that shorten URLs. If it is not a CitySky TV video, there is no need to use a text hyperlink and directly insert the Embed Video code.

Embed Video supports subscribing and copying text hyperlinks. Click on the title to go directly to CitySky TV.

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